I drank your tea.
I poured the remains into a gutter,
I watched as the tea reluctantly made it's way towards the drain.
I saw the tea approach it's impending demise,
I was sad that there was nothing I could do to take back what I had done,
I felt vacuous for sending an innocent soul into this subterranean abyss.
I realised, however, that there was another side to this drain, an unknown side.
I accepted that I would never experience this other side.
I smiled, as a tear rolled off my cheek.
I was no longer upset.
I was joyful.
I admired the tea as it set off towards it's new life on the other side,
I knew I would never see it again, yet
I was proud to have known it, even for such a short time,
I was proud that it had turned a tale of despair into one of hope.
I only wish I had that courage...